Welcome To The Beginning Chorus Page!

Beginning Chorus is an elective that is primarily a beginning choir, usually for 6th graders, though if schedule permits, we have had 7th & 8th graders in the class. Students participate in the Tree - Lighting Ceremony at the San Gabriel Mission, 6th grade Winter Concert, Choir Spring concert, festivals and some field trips. They get to sing a wide variety of music, in unison and in parts, and learn the fundamentals of voice development and production, music theory, sight-singing and working as a team.


If you are a 6th grader or 7th grader who is NOT in choir right now, and are interested in joining choir, please fill out the form 2024-25 Electives Interest Form first, then sign up for auditions held after school between 4.22 - 4.26. You can sign up for a time slot by EMAILING Ms. Chew. Any questions about choir? Email Ms. Chew at [email protected]