Intermediate Orchestra (2)-2019-2020 Assignments

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Music DL survey in Google Classroom

Music DL survey

Please fill out the survey to help me plan for next year, should we go into Distance Learning again. Make your voice heard!


FINAL Mu(s)zoid Project!  in Google Classroom

FINAL Mu(s)zoid Project!

Calling All Mu(s)zoids! Share your music with the world! Do something MUSICAL, ANYTHING MUSICAL! Be CREATIVE and MUSICAL MU(S)ZOIDS. ^_^ If you're unsure, just email me. I will most likely say yes. Make it be substantial, not a 5 second bit.

- There are so many ways to make music, to play music, to be creative. There is not just one way. EVER. FOR ANYTHING.
- Be brave, be fierce, and be creative in your music making.
- Be able to navigate different music programs: either use the ones I've showed you or something else that you've found on your own!
- I encourage independent thinking and learning - if you're not sure if you'll be allowed to do something, tell me your ideas and suggestions. Most of the time I will say yes to it and maybe add some suggestions. If I say no, I will give you a reason why.

1. You will need to attach your work to this assignment. These can be different formats: video file, written work, soundtrap, audio file, noteflight (or other notation platform) file, pdf, a link to etc...etc...
2. If you're working with other people, please write in the private comment who you're working with.
3. Most of the time, you'll have to save your work onto Google Drive first, then attach it to this assignment, then turn it in.


MusicFirst Assignment in Google Classroom

MusicFirst Assignment

I think a lot of you forgot to do the MusicFirst Assignment because it wasn't put in here (in the assignments area). Please check your email and search for "MusicFirst Login" and use that login email and do the assignments in there. If you've already done this, I got it already, and THANK YOU!!! ^_^ If you haven't please go on and do them - there are 2 short assignments.
1. Finger Chart quiz - ONLY for your instrument.
2. Sight Reading Factory - You choose the level and time signature when you get to the sight reading portion. ^_^




Thank you to those of you who returned your textbooks!

If you have NOT turned in you textbooks and library books, please do the following.
1. Drop them off in front of the main office between 9am to 1pm beginning Wednesday May 27 to Friday May 29.
2. Please place them in a bag with a paper that lists your name, grade level, and 4-digit ID (if you know it).
3. Place bag on Cart, then fill out the log on the clipboard.
4. Make sure you are using protective gears (masks, etc.) when you deliver books.

THANK YOU!!!! Mu(s)zilla Minwary ^_^


Choose Your Own Adventure (Option 2) in Google Classroom

Choose Your Own Adventure (Option 2)

Create your own recording or collaborate with friends.
It's short and sweet - no more than 30 seconds.
You can sing, you can dance, you can play any instrument!
BUT..... you MUST produce your own sounds, not other people's recordings. ^_^
Below are the links to the app on google play and the app store.


Choose Your Own Adventure (Option 3) in Google Classroom

Choose Your Own Adventure (Option 3)

DIGITAL CONCERT HALL by Berlin Philharmonic - Concert Report
"REGISTER" with your account. It should only ask you for your name, email, and password. Then you should be able to watch any of the concerts.

Choose and listen to 2 performances with the following criteria:
- Same piece
- Different orchestras
Compare and contrast the 2 performances:
- What did you like about each one?
- What did you NOT like about each one?
- Did you notice how the conductors conducted? Which one was clearer? Why?
- Which was more musical? What makes you say that?
- Which was more accurate? How was it more accurate?
- Which one did you prefer and why?
*Click on the google docs below to open up your assignment. Write in that google docs. Come back to this assignment page and "turn in."


Choose Your Own Adventure (Option 1) in Google Classroom

Choose Your Own Adventure (Option 1)

Go to SmartMusic and do the assignment in there.
-Practice and explore as much as you want
-THE ASSIGNMENT: practice, record (you can do multiple takes), and "SUBMIT" the best recording of the scale I've assigned.
-If there is music you'd like to play and you found it in SmartMusic, please comment below. I'd love to hear what you've found!


Mini "masterclass" in Google Classroom

Mini "masterclass"

WHAT is this? It's like a lesson with me and 5 students.
- To fill out the form - YES - this is in place of your weekly question
- To say yes on the form - NO
You'll see what I mean when you open up the form. ^_^


SHARE YOUR MUSIC in Google Classroom


1. Practice
2. Practice
3. Perform
4. Perform again
5. Rinse and Repeat steps 1-4 (this was just me being funny... some people thought I was being serious) ^_^
6. For more info.... check out the Google Slides from April 20 post.


How are you doing?  How are you doing with Distance Learning?  in Google Classroom

How are you doing? How are you doing with Distance Learning?

Basically.... "How ARE you?"
Please be honest.


Musicians' Mindset during COVID-19 in Google Classroom

Musicians' Mindset during COVID-19

Make a commentary of what it might be like for a musician right now. Think and reflect on the pros and cons. Open up the google docs for the specifics.
1. Work with your friends.
2. Divide the RESEARCH
3. DISCUSS what you found
4. Write what you found - 2-4 paragraphs


Do you or anyone in your family know how to edit video and sound? in Google Classroom

Do you or anyone in your family know how to edit video and sound?

I need help with getting the music and videos to be stitched together for a "performance" video, much like the video I sent out to you during your giant break. haha Can any of you do something like that, or know anyone who knows how to do that? Thanks! ~Mrs. M


Virtual Meets Survey in Google Classroom

Virtual Meets Survey

Please complete the survey. It's SUPER easy. I'm sorry this is not at a normal Monday/Tuesday 9am assignment post.


SCREEN-FREE(ish) PROJECT in Google Classroom


1. Find your favorite piece of music. No, it doesn't have to be something we've played.
2. Practice it! It's an OFFLINE ACTIVITY!!!! 😱😱 It's SUPER important that you remember to go OFFLINE! Both for your eyes, but more importantly for your brain. Personally, I'm already tired of the screen.
3. Click on the Flipgrid link below and record! Record between 30-90 sec. Yes, it's a super short one! Be sure I can hear your beginning and ending clearly, not cut-off by the video. This means you have to figure out what section you want to play.
4. If you're not satisfied with your recording, repeat steps 2 & 3.
If you're not sure how to do flipgrid, click on the "Getting Started" video.


Loopy Project on Soundtrap in Google Classroom

Loopy Project on Soundtrap


1. If you haven't done so, go on Soundtrap and login with Google - your account.
2. Open a new music project on Soundtrap.
3. Add a melodic loop starting on bar one. (I choose to make my own with strings sound, instead of using the prerecorded ones)
4. The second loop should be primarily rhythmic (drums or kits). This should begin at the start of bar three (I started it on bar 5, and I created my own super simple harmony as the second loop)
5. The third loop adds harmony to the track, and should be chosen from the piano or guitar filter. This should also begin at bar three. (I chose to do the 3rd loop as a rhythmic one and at bar 9)
6. The last loop of this section should be another melodic loop starting at bar five, possibly higher in pitch to cut through the other tracks. (I chose to do the 4th loop as another rhythmic loop that goes well with the other rhythmic loop)

Some notes...
- Save and create a title for your work
- It does take a little while for the program to save your work because it has to "mix" your sounds.
- Be patient both with the program AND yourself.
- This assignment is not meant to be completed quickly. IF you did, you might want to think about what you're trying to express.

The link below is what I made as an example. I've used the above instructions, but changed it a bit to suit what I wanted to do. Be creative, express what you feel.


Welcome back!!  I missed you all! in Google Classroom

Welcome back!! I missed you all!

What was the most fun thing you did at home?


Music Survey in Google Classroom

Music Survey

Hello everyone! Here's your first assignment. It's super easy! Please fill it out so I know how to proceed with the curriculum.
Have a great weekend!
~Mrs. Minwary


Music Math Quiz in Google Classroom

Music Math Quiz

This is a practice test for Mrs. Minwary to see how this works. Thanks for playing! ^_^


Choose your concert bottoms in Google Classroom

Choose your concert bottoms


Choose your piece for the winter concert in Google Classroom

Choose your piece for the winter concert

Please choose your piece and submit for 10 points!


Beginning of the year letter in Google Classroom

Beginning of the year letter

Read post on orchestra expectations and concert list and discuss with your parents. Signature sheets due Thursday, Sept 12, 2019.