Mrs. Rawya Hitti » WELCOME to Mrs. Hitti's Computer Classes

WELCOME to Mrs. Hitti's Computer Classes

WELCOME to JMS Computer Tech website!
My name is Rawya Hitti.
I am the Computer Teacher at Jefferson Middle School.
I teach both Photoshop & Animation as well as Intro to Computers (learning how to use Google Apps, how computers work, and coding with Scratch). I also run the robotics' club on specific days in the afternoon. Overall, I love teaching in a classroom setting that truly fosters curiosity and creativity based on critical thinking.
In addition, I am one of two JMS Site Tech Coaches and we strive to offer support in integrating technology in the classrooms.
My Conference time is 3rd period if you need to contact me.
However, it is easier to contact me by email ([email protected]).
 As George Couros once said, "Technology will not replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational."
Thank you for visiting my page.

 Have a great day!